Standard Operating Proceedures

(Note – these SOP’s reflect the version labeled “revised 8/99” except that items marked deleted in that version have been left out of this version.)

1.   The Club colors shall be Royal Blue and Gold

2.   A calendar of meeting dates for the year shall be set by the board at the first board meeting of the year. This shall be published in the newsletter throughout the year.

3.   At club events (i.e. shows, matches, parties) the Ways & Means Committee, or sub-committee in charge of fund-raising for that event, shall select and approve all items sold on the club's behalf, including pricing. This committee should approve and screen outside persons allowed to sell at these events to ensure no duplications and fair pricing.

4.   If outside persons/vendors are invited in to sell independently at club events, a tee of ($50.00) for a standard 5- or 6-foot table shall be charged.

5.   The Club shall maintain a subscription to the AKC Gazette, Events, and Awards publications to be mailed to the President.

6.   The Club shall maintain memberships in local canine related organizations that the Board feels appropriate.

7.   The "Show Chair" for any club show, match, dig, etc. must be a current board member in good standing with the club and is accountable to the Board at all times.

8.   The STCGD shall maintain a rescue Program, however, it will be treated primarily as a referral program. The Rescue Chair shall first try to refer any rescue queries or dogs needing rescue assistance to the Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club's Rescue Program. If this does not provide a satisfactory result, STCGD's Rescue Chair shall have discretion as to accepting and placin9 of dogs as necessary.


Refer to Article TWO, Section II. A.

                              General Duties of the President:

1.   Prepare and send agenda to the Board Members prior to Board Meetings.

2.   To call meetings to order and to preside over and serve as chairman of meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings of the members.

3.   To maintain order at such meetings and to control debates or discussions.

4.   To state each question or motion that is brought before the meeting; to call for a vote upon motions, and to announce the results after votes have been taken.

5.   To follow rules of order and conduct Club business in an accepted manner.

6.   To name members who are appointed to serve on any committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

7.   To sign letters and documents which are necessary to carry out the will of the Club.

8.   The President must remain impartial at all times. He or she cannot vote except when the vote of the Board of Directors or of the members is a tie.

                              General Duties of the Vice-President:

See Article Two, Section II B

1.   Have the duties and exercise the powers of the President in case of the President's death, absence, or incapacity.

2.   The Vice-President will chair the Program Committee, which will include two (2) additional members.

                              General Duties of the Secretary:

See Article Two, Section II C

1.   Keep a record of all meetings of the Club and of the Board for the current year as well as a copy of the minutes for the previous year, and of all matters of which a record shall be ordered by the Club.

2.   The official copy of the minutes of the previous meeting shall be sent to the President 10 days prior to the next meeting.

3.   Each year the official minutes of the previous year shall be sent to the Editor/Historian by March 1st, to be placed in the Club's permanent file. The Secretary shall keep a copy for reference.

4.   Notify members of Special Club Meetings at least 5 days and not more than 15 days prior to the date of the meeting, stating the date, hour, place, and purpose of such meetings. (Article Two, Section 2)

5.   Notify officers and Board of Directors of meetings and special meetin9s at least 5 days and not more than 15 days prior to the date of the meeting, stating date, hour, place, and purpose of such meetings. (Article Two, Sections III and IV)

6.   Keep an updated and correct roll of the paid members of the Club with their addresses, phone, etc. (Check with the Treasurer prior to January 1st for a list of all paid members.)

7.   Have charge of all correspondence, which shall be handled promptly. This includes various greeting cards.

8.   Article IV, Section IV e. Notify nominating committee persons and alternates of their selection.

9.   Receive a written report of the nominating committee.

10. (Article IV, Section IV B) Notify the membership before October 15 in writing of the candidates so nominated.

11. Article II, Section II C Notify officers and directors of their election to office.

12. Article III, Section II C Receive and promptly send a copy of charges made against any member to each member of the Board or present them at a Board meeting. See this Article for additional information.

13. Article VI Section II Notify members of the Board decisions.

14. Article VII Section I Submit copies of any proposed amendments to this constitution and bylaws to the Board and club members prior to the next meeting for consideration before the voting occurs.

15. Article I Section III Receive and promptly submit to the club all new member applications and send prospects an acknowledgment. Send a copy of new member applications to the President.

16. Notify new members of their election to membership and mail them a copy of the Club-roster, Code of Ethics, Constitution and By-Laws, and Standard Operating Procedure Manual.

                              GENERAL DUTIES OF THE TREASURER:

Article III, Section II D

1.   Collect and receive all monies due or belonging to the Club.

2.   Deposit the same in a bank designated by the Board in the name of the Club.

3.   Have the Club books at all times open to inspection by the Board and general membership.

4.   Report to the Board or Club at every meeting the condition of the Clubs finances. General Meeting reports shall include balances in all accounts, total receipts and total disbursements since last report. Board Meeting reports shall include balances in all accounts, itemized receipts and itemized disbursements since last report. Written reports shall include a copy of the most recent bank statement.

5.   At the first meeting in February render an account of all monies received and expended during the previous year.

6.   Send to the President, Secretary, and Editor an updated list of paid members as well as new members when elected to membership. Also carry out such other duties as are prescribed in these By-Laws.

                              GENERAL DUTIES 01' THE EDITOR/HISTORIAN:

Article III, Section II.

1.   Publish the Newsletter with a limit of six (6) pages front and back to go out the first of January, March, May, July, September, and November with notices of meeting included. On alternate months postcard reminders shall be sent.

2.   Mail a copy of the Newsletter to the Editor of the STCA Bagpiper and a summary of quarterly activities.

3.   Publish extra copies of the Newsletter for the Club History, prospective members, and for sharing with other Scottish Terrier Club's.

4.   Keep all materials, papers, Records, etc. of STCGD on permanent file with the exception of the records of the current year.

5.   Be responsible for ads in the Newsletter:

Full Page $20.00                 Quarter Page $5.00

Half Page $10.00                 Business Card for a Year $15.00

                              GENERAL DUTIES OF THE STCA DELEGATE:

1.   Send a composite report of the Club's activities, new officers, etc., to STCA Corresponding Secretary on or before January 10, April 10, July 10, and October 10.

2.   Attend STCA meetings whenever possible.

3.   Report to the local Club any pertinent information from STCA.

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